Contributed Posts

Why This World Isn’t Safe

Contributed post You might be wondering why we would even need to write an article about this, when all you seem to see on the news lately is update after update, on some of the most horrible things happening in the world at that time. But those are the worst of the worst that make it to the TV. The ones the media wants you to see, not the thousands upon thousands of things that are happening on a daily basis, that means our world is just notorious for being dangerous, and the safety we’ve had thus far is something we definitely take for granted. From people getting home security systems to those shopping for cbrn gas mask for sale, it seems everyone is looking…
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Not Everyone Has Your Average Garden

Contributed Post To some of you, a garden is so much more than just a space at the back of your home.  To some of you, a garden is so much more. It’s your little escape that your hard work has created, and the space is always going to be unique to from person to person. Because you’ll have people who prefer bright plants over more subtle ones, and you’ll have people who prefer the subtle ones over the bright ones. Everyone has their own opinion,  but not everyone has the same type of garden to use. Some people have the smallest of gardens, but manage to make them look so beautiful! Some people have absolute acres, and have to employ people to help with…
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5 Ways To More Effectively Keep Your Home Warm

Contributed Post Winter has arrived, and that means that we can expect to have a few chilly months ahead of us. All going well, we’ll be able to keep the chill at bay by hibernating in our homes until the warming sunshine has returned. It’s going to be a few months of Netflix, reading, and an all-around relaxed life. Or at least, that’s the idea. If your home isn’t quite as warm as it could be, then you’re going to find it difficult to enjoy the simple pleasures of the winter season. The good news is that there are things that you can do to bring the heat into your house! We take a look at a few tried and tested methods below. Source:…
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What You Really Need To Create The Write Life

Contributed Post   Being a writer is an interesting thing. It’s something that so many people want to pursue, but for some reason feel as if they can’t. But that really doesn’t have to be the case. Because writing is very much the process of having a story that you want to tell, and then writing it all down. That is it. It’s not this big glamorous life that you have to build up. It is the process that can be as simple as you want it to be. And if you really want to write, just write. However, if you want to build this up as a career, then there could be a few things that you need to have, or to build,…
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Why It Makes No Sense to Do DIY Utility Repairs by Yourself in the Modern Day

Contributed Post Every now and then, you might find that something is broken in your home such as a leaky faucet, clogged pipes, broken light switch or something else that you use every day. It’s probably really annoying to leave it broken, so you might attempt to fix it yourself especially if there are tutorials on YouTube, guides on the internet or you might have seen someone perform the repair in the past so you think you might be able to do it yourself. In the modern age, we’ve been gifted with the internet which allows us to research virtually anything and learn basically anything. It’s incredibly useful to have so much data and at our fingertips, and it’s made us all very avid DIYers…
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