Contributed Posts

Renewable Energy Myths It’s Time To Debunk

Contributed Post There’s a lot of confusion surrounding renewable energy, and as a population, we just don’t seem to understand it all that well. We come to our own conclusions based on what we read in the media and hear from our friends. It’s not uncommon to hear different things from different people, and it’s difficult to know what to believe. Along the way, a variety of myths have been formed, and it’s time for us to debunk them today. Image Credit It’s Too Expensive If you’ve ever had a discussion about renewable energy, this myth has properly entered it at some point or another. It’s commonly thought that renewable energy is simply too expensive to work with. But, while it was quite expensive technology…
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Ramp Up Your Home’s Value With These Great Improvements

Contributed Post With the real estate market being as erratic and unpredictable as ever, it’s very important that we see our homes as assets, rather than just a roof over our heads and walls around us. Like many, you might be wondering how you can up the value of your home in the years to come, and reap in the accumulated capital when you need it most. Here are just a few home improvements that will be great for the value of your home and your personal comfort. First of all, consider re-purposing a room. When a lot of people want to improve their homes, the first thing they jump to is extending the ground floor, or having an outside room built. It’s true that…
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Grow Your Way To A Healthier Diet

Contributed Post Gardening is one of those activities that can give you pleasure and pain! Aching backs and sore wrists are among the most common complaints. But gardening can also go beyond the hard graft and start paying you back for your effort. You can grow far more than a lawn and couple of shrubs. Flowers for your home and food for your table are not beyond even a beginner gardener. How To Start The first thing you need to do is figure out how much of your garden you can allocate to your vegetable patch. You can grow in containers if you prefer not to work into your ground. And if you add weather-proof casters, you can take that container to the sunniest patches…
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4 Insane Challenges Farmers Are Facing Today

Contributed Post Image Credit If there is one industry that is facing more challenges than most, it’s the world of farming. Truth be told, farming didn’t even used to be classified as an industry. It wasn’t even considered a business. It was more of a pastime that country folk took part in that just happened to be a full-time job. Now, farming is facing serious challenges, and it will be interesting to see how it continues to evolve in the future. If you’re interesting in being a farmer then…we, actually, that brings us to the first hot issue. No One Wants To Be A Farmer If you’re following the election in American, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the majority of people are stupid. But…
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For A Healthier Lifestyle, Look At These Key Areas

Contributed Post We all want to be healthier, as healthy as possible. This is often much easier said than done, however. But there are some key changes that anyone can make to ensure that they live a longer and happier life. The truth is, there are some main areas of your health which you need to keep an eye on. There are areas which people frequently have trouble with, so it is worth doing everything in your power to look after them.  It is important that you go for regular check-ups with your doctor to make sure that everything is as it should be, but as you get older you should also go for regular ear and eye tests too. Vision magazine has some really…
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