Comics & Graphic Novels

Calvin & Hobbes was the greatest thing ever

Is there anything in the world that was better than Calvin & Hobbes? I’m not sure there was. Sure, sure, there is eating and sex, but Bill Watterson’s masterpiece of a comic strip is right up there. Far more than three panels of humor each day, the full scope of the work will long stand as one of the great achievements of sequential art. And no, I don’t think I’m overstating the case.   In 10 years, Watterson evolved his strip from a quirky and funny comic strip that was a slightly edgy, modern version of Peanuts into something wholly unique. Something with a pretty amazing range. Something that could be risque one day and charmingly quaint the next; dealing with childhood antics on Monday…
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Check out this artwork while I relax

Been a bit busy lately with this, that, and the other thing, so I’ve had to set aside my little distraction of a blog for a while. Keeping up with family and work and writing projects and podcasts is a killer … and now that summer is here, well, a man needs his relaxing time in the backyard, damnit. What’s the sense of a backyard if you never use it? So while I continue to chug through my projects (now 10 chapters into my dystopian science fiction novel), have another preview of my upcoming comic anthology. Artist Rich Hannah adapted a short story I wrote called “The Last Shot”. This is a sneak peek. My part will be adapting my own story, rewriting it for…
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Whence Comes, Liberty!

Artist Marcus Kelligrew is providing some exciting art for a traditional superhero story set to appear in my upcoming comic anthology. He’s got such a dynamic style, reminiscent of the action-packed Marvel comics of the 1970s, that I just had to do a story with him. The result was “Whence Comes, Liberty!”, a superhero origin story. We’ve got American soldiers getting amazing powers, cyborg nazis, and loads of action. Below are two panels from the story. They’re not yet inked. When they do, expect them to explode off the page even more than they already do. The anthology remains on target for a mid-summer release.

“Shackles” – an anthology preview

The following is a rough layout for a story in my upcoming comic anthology. The story is called “Shackles” and it is set in London circa 1778. The art is incomplete, obviously, but gives you a sense for what we’re doing. Click here for a version large enough to read. We took an interesting approach on this one. I penned a conversation and provided the text to independent comic creator and musician Stanley Lieber, creator of Massive Fictions, among others. (Some of you might recall that I remixed some of his music.) No stage direction, no art direction, just some text based on a talk he and I had about the situation and themes we’d be dealing with. Stanley then took that conversation and gave…
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