Author Archive: Eric San Juan
Eric San Juan
April 30, 2009
The Asbury Park Press is carrying a short piece on the release of A Year with Hitchcock. Nifty. (2016 edit: the link is dead, so I removed it.) I’ll be speaking at an area library in the near future. I’ll post the details once it is scheduled. Check out the book at the Scarecrow Press website. (Edit: Ditto) That is all.
Eric San Juan
April 27, 2009
Look at this button: A Year of Hitchcock Do you know what it does? It will scoot you along to subscribe to the Year of Hitchcock podcast. You can hear Jim McDevitt and me talk about classic films. Why are you not subscribed? You can subscribe via iTunes or a jillion other ways. Subscribe. Listen. Enjoy.
Eric San Juan
April 24, 2009
People have the impression that writing a book = making money. That by writing a book you’ll suddenly be rolling in dough. Advances! Royalties! Cash! But it just doesn’t work like that. Not only is this an absurd notion for a little book like mine — I’ll be happy if it covers the expenses we incurred while writing it — it doesn’t even hold true for New York Times bestsellers, as author Lynn Viehl outlines in this blog post. Her bottom line is simple: Despite a $50,000 advance, selling about 73,000 copies and hitting #19 on the New York Times bestsellers list, you’d make more money stocking shelves at the local supermarket than she did on book sales for this book. It’s important to know…
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Eric San Juan
April 23, 2009
I think I’m close to ready to begin pitching my next book. This one is a middle grade adventure novel in the spirit of Lloyd Alexander’s Prydain Chronicles. You might remember them from when you were a kid. Earlier this week I finished the umpteenth or so draft of my query letter (I talk more about queries here), and last night I think I nailed down a pretty solid synopsis. They’re both essential ingredients in getting the attention of an agent. Nailing them is vital. Of course, the best query in the world doesn’t mean squat if your book has glaring flaws. That means I have to give the first three chapters one last pass to ensure I’m not missing something that will trip up…
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Eric San Juan
April 22, 2009
Here is another bit o’ preview art from my upcoming comics anthology. The work is by Artist Unnamed and is for an adaptation of a short story I wrote called The Last Shot. It is, obviously, a western. These are early pencils. Enjoy.