Author Archive: Eric San Juan
Eric San Juan
September 9, 2010
What the title of this post says is true and good and quite factual to the best of my knowledge — which admittedly isn’t particularly deep, but I think I can speak on this subject with at least some authority. Last week, two weeks ago, something like that — time is largely a blur to me — I took a gander at the edited-and-laid-out-and-made-pretty version of Stuff Every Husband Should Know (due out April 5, 2011 from the fine folks at Quirk Books). It looked pretty darn swell, if I may say so myself. (I may.) The illustrations are spiffy, the topics that made the final cut are wide-ranging and interesting (wrote more than we needed, so maybe ten chapters or so are sitting on…
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Eric San Juan
July 29, 2010
…April 5, 2011. So, like, mark your calendars and stuff. (Stuff is my upcoming book, set for release in Quirk Books’ pocket books series. To give you a sense of what it will be like, check out Stuff Every Man Should Know.) (And hey, I just realized that an early listing of Husband is up at Amazon. Check it out. No real info there yet, but that’s to be expected; it’s still very early in the process. The final manuscript was only just approved a few weeks ago.
Eric San Juan
July 15, 2010
I have the house to myself for a few days, which means my usual schedule has been replaced with slothful behavior. I’m okay with that, I think I’ve earned some down time, but I think it reached a breaking point yesterday when … How do I say this? When I realized I was sprawled out on the couch, in my boxers, watching South Park and eating an obscenely huge bowl of pudding. Instant shame. Not shame enough to put down the pudding, mind you, because pudding is delicious.
Eric San Juan
July 12, 2010
Editors are the best. I don’t say that because I am one (though I am), I say that because editors exist to make your work better — and if you write, don’t you want your work to be better? Too many aspiring writers resist the idea of letting someone else touch their words. It’s tampering; it’s an insult; the words are pure and perfect and blah blah farking blah. No. If you write, nine times out of ten a good editor will make your work better. You don’t need a pat on the back from friends and family. You don’t need blind praise. You don’t need relentless criticism. You need someone to massage your work; to bring out the good; suppress the bad; and just…
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Eric San Juan
July 8, 2010
And cheating at it along the way. I drew all throughout my childhood, a sheet of not-to-be-blank-for-long paper perpetually in front of me and a pencil feverishly scritching away drawing maps, wars, and terrible comics. It probably wasn’t until the eighth grade and Jason Dixon, talented sonofabitch that he was, that I realized I couldn’t actually draw. Didn’t stop me from doing loads of really awful comics in high school, though. A few friends would make up our own goofy superhero comics and pass them out to one another. Mine tended to be tongue-in-cheek “homages” to popular characters, such as Clawman, who broke the fourth wall and acknowledged he was a Wolverine ripoff, or Buttman and Rectum, who … well, the less said about them,…
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