Author Archive: Eric San Juan

Frankenstein – the 1910 motion picture

Halloween is coming, so this week I thought I’d share some great bits of old film that fit into the Halloween theme. These are amazing pieces of our cultural history, many sadly forgotten. We’ll start with a 1910’s Frankenstein. Produced by Edison studios (though Edison himself had nothing to do with it), this adaptation of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein was long thought lost. For decades, only a few stills existed. In the 1970s, it was discovered in a private collection, where it had sat since the 1950s, the owner unaware of just how rare the film was. Though it had been released to DVD earlier, the print was only fully restored and released back in March 2010. The film is in the public domain. Here it…
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You’ve been waiting. And the wait is over. PITCHED 2 IS NOW AVAILABLE! And even better, I’m proud to announce that all profits will go to the Hero Initiative! BUY IT NOW!!! via LULU via INDYPLANET ( (2016 update: no longer available here) via COMICSMONKEY! ( (2016 update: no longer available here) (I recommend purchasing through IndyPlanet, but all of the folks above will treat you well.)

Pitched! Vol. 1 is now available via

If you were interested in that little comics anthology I wrote last year (with the help of a slew of talented artists) but still hadn’t gotten around to getting a copy, good news. It’s now available via I’ve gotten my copy and can vouch for its quality. Nice, glossy cover, strong binding, and decent paper quality. I’ll be up front: happy as I was with the quality of the work ComiXpress did (and I was), I got some complaints about slow order fulfillment. Excellent quality on the product, but it’s true. A few orders were slow to be fulfilled. The Lulu version takes a slight slight (slight!) hit on paper quality, but trades it for a glossy cover, printed spine, and very fast delivery….
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And the next plug-worthy project is…

… not something I can announce just yet, but I’ve been working hard on it for the last two weeks or so, it’s due in bookstores next August, I’m working with some extraordinary writers (I’m merely one small part of a team), including Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Award nominees, and it will be geeky as hell. The last part is the best part of all. So yeah, all you geeks out there? Watch out for a wickedly fun announcement

Some books by friends

You folks should check out some of these books. They’re self-published by folks I know, but knowing these folks isn’t the point. I wouldn’t be plugging them if they sucked. They don’t suck. These are interesting, unusual, and memorable books worth checking out. Brian Spaeth is a visionary and probably also a lunatic. I would not let him date my daughter, but I would let him give a speech at my funeral. He has some books. The Christmas Bridge – “It’s a timeless excitement fable and that means maybe lessons, and explosions, and emotions, and etc.” LOL, WUT? In The Christmas Bridge, Christmas is outlawed. So, “When charismatic life drifter JESI BURNS and one-time actoring icon NICK KEEGE are tasked by Santa Claus himself to…
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