8 Ways To Boost Your Intelligence


There are many reasons someone may want to boost their intelligence. Perhaps they’re worried about keeping up with their peers or want to climb the career ladder. Whether the reason is for personal satisfaction or goal oriented, there are lots of ways to boost brain power.

Your intelligence is strongly linked to DNA but that doesn’t mean you can’t work at it. If you want to improve your intelligence levels by giving your brain a boost, here’s how to do it.

Get The Right Amount of Sleep

So many people make the mistake of overworking themselves when they need to use their brains the most. For instance, when students have exams coming up, they study through the night instead of sleeping. This can have the opposite to the desired effect.

Getting the right amount of sleep is a must when you need to rely on your brain. Do everything you can to prepare but when it’s time to sleep- stop. Every adult should get at least seven hours of sleep each night for boosted intelligence.

Eat Well

When there’s a lot on your to-do list, eating nutritious meals may get thrown on the back burner. For example, if you’ve got an important presentation coming up at work, you may be sitting at your desk snacking on Chinese food instead of healthy alternatives. If you want to impress, your eating habits should be at the forefront of your mind.

Not only are vegetables strongly linked to good brain health but eating well will also boost your energy levels. Choose to eat nutritious meals every day and you won’t have to worry about your concentration levels or energy draining by early afternoon.

Play Games

Playing games is fun and it’s a great way to blow off some steam when you’ve been working hard. However, if you want to boost your intelligence, not any old game will do. Brain games like chess and word puzzles are perfect for keeping your brain active.

That doesn’t mean you have to carry a chess board with you wherever you go. You can access online brain games from wherever you are, as long as you have an internet connection.

Do Something Spontaneous

Do you ever get the feeling you’re operating on automatic pilot? Perhaps you find yourself wondering how you got to work even though you drove yourself there. If you’re used to keeping the same routine everyday, your brain can get bored of it.

Doing something spontaneous is a great way to break that cycle and engage your brain in experiencing something new. Each time you do something new, you learn something new, which inevitably adds to your knowledge and intelligence.

Be Creative

There are different sections of your brain and all of them require feeding. Being creative doesn’t mean reading books that inspire you. It means engaging in a creative activity that allows you to express your own creativity.

It could be painting, pottery, writing, playing music, or a whole host of other creative activities. This is a great way to boost your brain power by making certain parts of your brain come to life.

Exercise Daily

Daily exercise is essential for boosting intelligence and becoming your healthiest self. It increases blood flow to the brain which allows it to work efficiently in any scenario. Exercise can help improve memory, problem solving skills, imagination, and much more.

Exercise is also a great way to reach personal goals. When you succeed, you get a sense of achievement and that feeling is enjoyed by many. When your brain connects the pleasant feeling of winning with goals, it becomes easier to achieve all kinds of goals.

Prioritize Socializing

How many times have you canceled social plans because you’re too tired at the end of the day? Ironically, socializing could be the boost you need. Engaging in conversation and friendships is a fantastic brain boost. It can also make you feel good when you connect with someone on the same wavelength.

Why not consider joining a group or class to meet like-minded people? You could do a physical activity at the same time and kill two birds with one stone. 

Go Easy On Yourself

Boosted intelligence takes time and patience so don’t push yourself too hard. Be gentle with yourself and take each step one at a time. The harder you push yourself, the less likely you are to feel the benefits of all of your efforts.

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