3 Ways To Add Music To Your Life

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There have long been many studies pertaining to the effectiveness of music for all aspects of people’s lives. For example, music therapy has been proven to increase pain tolerance levels by 22 %, while another study found that music effectively reduces anxiety in ICU patients.

With this in mind, factoring music into your lifestyle or making a career in music can not only give you a therapeutic outlet but also give you a greater sense of satisfaction in life.

If you are exploring music, some options are available to help you get the most from this art form and enrich your life fully.

Listening to Music

Of course, one of the easiest ways to add music to your life is by listening to it. Any type of music, any genre, via any medium. Be it streaming, listening to vinyl, popping videos on YouTube, or going out to live music events, you can explore a wide range of music to help you understand more about different styles and artists and learn how people use music to express themselves on a wide range of topics.

There is a lot of talk of Taylor Swift becoming synonymous with using her relationships to create music, but this isn’t a new phenomenon; artists have been doing this for many years and most songs you listen to will be related to love or relationships in some way. But breaking down songs and examining their lyrics, tempos, and the feelings they create can give you a deeper understanding of how and why each artist came to put it together in that way.

Learning Instruments

Another way to get your music fix in your life is to learn how to play an instrument, or even more than one. There are an estimated 1,500 different musical instruments to choose from, and you can even learn how to create music with ordinary household objects. Water in glasses, banging on teens, and using metal sheets to create sounds are all viable ways to get inventive if you don’t have access to traditional instruments.

Not only is learning a musical instrument a great way to help you learn more about music, but it can also teach you many other skills as well. Playing an instrument can improve brain function, dexterity, breathing, coordination, discipline, and even social skills. On top of this, you will learn how to care for and maintain your instrument, too, so you can get the best from it. Such as how to store your drum set to avoid damage when not in use, the best tools for a guitar, and how to properly clean your mouthpiece on wind instruments.

Music Creation

If you enjoy the process of creating music, you can experiment in different roles and even look for courses and even formal education to help you develop this more. From becoming a music producer, sound engineer, studio engineer, producer, composer, and more. You can find endless opportunities and even start your learning journey at home using online guides and social media to help you get started. From here, you can use different programs and equipment to help you expand your skills; equipment you might need can include a microphone, digital audio workstation, MIDI keyboard, and a laptop as a minimum.

Music can have many benefits for your lifestyle, and there are many different ways you can incorporate music into your life, including the three options above and many more.


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