Tag Archive: Wolverine

The Wolverine: The one that doesn’t suck (as much)

Another day, another X-movie. By now you should know the drill, so let’s go: The Wolverine (unrated extended edition) Poor wittle Wulberine’s heart is broken because he stabbed his crush to death, then a Quirky Asian Girl shows up and brings him to Japan, where he fights ninjas and sleeps with gorgeous women. This second Wolverine movie is a huge upgrade from the first insomuch as it’s not a colossal pile of excrement. In fact, there is a lot to like here. Exploring the thread’s of Jean’s death was a good choice. Gettin into Logan’s adventures in Japan was a great choice. The tone is somber and moody and pretty much on point. Great acting by Jackman. Ninjas! Suppressing his powers was a total plot…
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and why it’s worse than bad parking

In some post I can’t be bothered to link to, I pointed out that all week I am going to be re-watching and reviewing the X-Movies, so now you know what this is and here we go. Oh, and this assumes you have seen them before, so SPOILERS. Oh 2, I’m going to breeze through this one, especially since it sucks: X-Men Origins: Wolverine My enduring memory of this was pretty bad, so I was interested to see if perhaps I was being a little unfair and if memory and reality would end up being in conflict. Nope. It really is as a bad as I remembered. I don’t even know where to begin. Even if you ignore the cringe-inducing dialogue, terrible story and ham-fisted…
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