Contributed Posts

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Contributed Post We’ve all heard of the famous nursery rhyme, so how does your garden grow? Are you someone who loves to make it as bright and colourful as possible? Or are you one that has a garden so big you feel it’s pointless trying to do anything with it? Or does gardening just not interest you? Well whichever one you fall under, you need to try and make as much effort with your garden as possible. It is one of the first things any guest notices about your home, and gardening can be so fun if you make it. It also comes in handy when it comes to selling your home. A big attractive garden is a selling point for a lot of people….
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5 Ways to Make Your Songs More Interesting

Contributed Post If the songs we made sounded as good to an audience as they did in our head, then we’d all be superstars. Alas, that’s a message that often fails to get through to the listeners of our music. If you’re finding that people aren’t engaged in your music, then it might be time to take your songs to strange new places. All the greatest bands in history pushed the boat out, and if it was good enough for them, it’s good enough for you! Below, we take a look at how you make your existing and future songs more noteworthy. Source: Mix up the Tempo There have been a great song made (and a few lost) just because the songwriter finally stumbled…
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Non-Negotiable: Top 5 Qualities Employers Want In The Office

This image is from Navair Changing career or finding a new job is never easy. After dozens of applications, you may only get one or two callbacks. And, the pressure on making an excellent first impression is huge. Thankfully, there are ways to reduce the tension and make the process easier. All you have to do is show an employer you have a selection of the following. Knowledge Knowledge seems like a prerequisite for any position, but you’d be surprised. Thanks to the college culture, lots of applicants are book smart yet lack common sense. This is a massive problem for employers that need people who can think on their feet. Hence, the search for intelligence is one they take seriously. The trick is to…
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New Life, New Opportunities: Could You Earn A Fortune In Asia?

Source There has been somewhat of a mass-migration in the business world during the last couple of decades. Lots of company bosses now choose to relocate their operation and run their companies from Asian countries. However, it’s not only the big multinational firms that take that approach. Even small and medium-sized ventures tend to benefit from moving to Asia. With that in mind, this article will draw your attention towards some of the issues you’ll need to consider before taking a leap of faith. While this isn’t a complete guide, it should help readers to learn a little more about the process and discover some of the benefits. So, feel free to share this post with your business owning friends. Reasons people relocate their companies…
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Brilliant budget garden ideas that will boost your outdoor space

It can be at this time of year when your garden or outside space can start to look a little lacklustre and tired. With fall, leaves can be falling all around, and dropping temperatures can put you off going out there. But there is no time like the present to get working on your garden and making it a space that you’re happy to be in. But the great news? You don’t need a landscape gardener to make changes. Regardless of the size of your garden, or outside space, there are things that you can change. Here are a few ideas that are all budget-friendly to help you to boost your garden. image Choose One Focus Color If you have a balcony or small outside…
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