Tag Archive: Genevieve Valentine

A very Wise interview on Geekdom

When Stephen Segal tapped me to take part in writing Geek Wisdom with his team of geeks, there really wasn’t any other answer but, “Yes.” After all, Stephen isn’t just a guy who was my editor on a previous book (Stuff Every Husband Should Know), he’s also a friend. Philosophically we come from very similar places, especially with regard to creativity, the human spirit, and our inner geekness. But better to let Stephen himself explain. In this interview with Wired, he lays out the spark that became the book, the philosophy we plunged into it with, and the great geekdom we left on the cutting room floor. I especially like this bit of insight: Whether in a religious or a scientific framework, knowledge and wisdom…
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The Geeks: Genevieve Valentine

Geek Wisdom

One of the exciting things about Geek Wisdom, which I announced yesterday, is the opportunity to work with some excellent writers. One of them is Genevieve Valentine. She is a regular blogger at Tor.com, probably the most recognizable publisher of science fiction and fantasy, and her work has appeared in Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Weird Tales, and many others. Her first book, Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti, is coming in 2011 from Prime Books. Oh, and did I mention she is a Work Fantasy Award nominated author? Pretty cool. Genevieve deals in fantasy, steampunk, weird fiction and more. I certainly urge you to check out her website, and of course, to see her work in Geek Wisdom next August and is available for pre-order….
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