Tag Archive: blog

No more beer on this blog

I’ve made a few posts about beer on this blog. I won’t be doing that any more. I didn’t begin this blog to talk about random bullshit, I began it to talk primarily about my latest projects, whether writing, music, or otherwise. But I’m not going to not talk about beer. At the moment I feel like writing about the subject. That’s why I started a new blog, Celebrating the Suds, which will be devoted entirely to beer. So give it a look. Subscribe. Follow it on Facebook. Yada yada yada. Cheers.

My blog sucks

My blog sucks. I’m well aware of this fact. It’s not for lack of trying, it’s … well, okay, maybe it’s partially true that lack of trying comes into play. After all, it’s not that I’m incapable of dazzling you with insightful commentary about all manner of things, from the Tantric underpinnings of the television show Lost to the undisputed fact that pineapple is a delicious pizza topping, it’s that I’m unwilling of dazzling you with insightful commentary about all manner of things, from the Tantric underpinnings of the television show Lost to the undisputed fact that pineapple is a delicious pizza topping. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Also, the truth is I’m just very busy right now. Or trying to be, at least. Hell, even…
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