How To Become An All-Round Cool Artist in 2017

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When a new year swings round, most people stick to resolutions are by and large positive, but also by and large relatively uninteresting to anyone other than the person doing them. This year, you’ll be doing something different to the usual healthy eating, gym going, and alcohol abstaining promises of the new year; this year, you will become an artist. “Me, an artist? But I can barely hold a pencil!” I hear you cry through muffled, anxious tones. Don’t worry – the arts are wide and diverse, there’ll be something for you. And if there’s not, then really don’t worry – because having talent is actually only a small part of being an artist; the majority is looking like an artist. So long as your next project exists vaguely at some point in the future, you’re fine!


Get into Writing

Writing is a virtue because absolutely anybody can do it, though doing it well is a slightly trickier proposition. Still, though there’s much mystery surrounding the craft of writing, the biggest obstacle people face is putting the time aside to actually get on with it and put something down on paper. If you have the determination to write well, you’ll do it in time. Finding the right tools for your writing will be the first obstacle. Some need a pen and paper, others can only do it on the laptop. Personally, I never look past a typewriter as it focuses the attention (and looks cool as hell).


Take Up an Instrument

Like writing, playing an instrument is another one of those things that most people can do if they put the time into learning how to play one properly. Once you’ve got the basics of your instrument, it won’t be long until you’re at a level good enough to play with others and create your own music – which is where all the fun really is! Make sure you get lessons and don’t give up at the first sign of difficulty – you’ll be rocking that Epiphone Les Paul Standard soon enough!


Make a Film

It has never been easier to make your own film. With modern technology, you’ll be able to bypass every conventional filmmaking route and create your own! If you’re just starting, then you’ll want to begin by just having fun. Pick up any thread of creative juice you have and turn into a short film. It can be as little as 2-3 minutes, but you’ll soon have the buzz of creating and editing a piece and that will serve you well in the long run. A GoPro camera or even an iPhone can be all you need to get going, so there’s really no excuse!



No, we don’t mean shaking your body in a club on a Saturday night (though that can also be fun!), we mean really dancing, choreographed dancing, If you generally like the physical and creative elements of gymnastics and theatre, then find yourself a local dancing group and focus your movements into something long lasting.

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