
Music by Eric

Some video peeks at the ’90s podcast I do with Nerd Out With Me

I’m sure somewhere along the line I’ve mentioned that I do a weekly podcast with Tig Carson as part of the whole Nerd Out With Me thing. It’s fun. We go week-to-week talking about what was going on in specific months in the 1990s. Music, movies, games, news & current events, that sort of thing. You can check out the ’90s cast podcast <—here (lots of ways to subscribe, get it to your phone, download them, or stream them right from the site), or check out some abbreviated video versions below to get a taste for what we do. Hope you enjoy – and if you dig what we do, support us on Patreon!    

m2 – a burning orange sun you can’t forget

I recorded this in 2013 and 2014 right after I recorded Falling Back Into it, but I only pulled it together in 2016, and completely neglected to post it online until now. Think I just wasn’t sure about this one. I wanted to produce a positive m2 record, one that was somehow uplifting in its sprawling drones, and this didn’t fit the bill. Then life changed and I forgot to acknowledge it. But now it’s posted. This is the most recent collection of m2 music, though it’s NOT the latest m2 music. New material should be coming shortly, with a lot to follow in 2018. I have new material in the works that pushed the boundaries of what I’ve considered m2, plus a collection of…
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I could talk music with friends for hours. In this case, it’s U2

A year or so ago, Tig over at Nerd Out With Me and I brought Bootsy Spankins P.I. into the attic to talk music. The idea was to do a monthly show where we’d reach into the bins holding my CDs, pull something out at random, and take it from there. We recorded a few segments but ended up dropping the idea. Too much hassle dancing around copyright issues on Youtube in order to use the music. They never saw the light of day. I really liked the idea. I could sit down and yammer about music with someone for hours (especially if there’s beer). I’ve been doing it most of my life! Thankfully, the ’90s podcast I now do with Tig lets me do…
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5 Ways to Make Your Songs More Interesting

Contributed Post If the songs we made sounded as good to an audience as they did in our head, then we’d all be superstars. Alas, that’s a message that often fails to get through to the listeners of our music. If you’re finding that people aren’t engaged in your music, then it might be time to take your songs to strange new places. All the greatest bands in history pushed the boat out, and if it was good enough for them, it’s good enough for you! Below, we take a look at how you make your existing and future songs more noteworthy. Source: Mix up the Tempo There have been a great song made (and a few lost) just because the songwriter finally stumbled…
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The new Godspeed You! Black Emperor disappoints, until it doesn’t

I can still remember my reaction the first time I heard Godspeed You! Black Emperor (then stylized as Godspeed You Black Emperor!): “Sonofabitch, some bastards did it! Those crazy bastards did it!” And it was amazing. This was mid 1998. I had pulled some friends together for a semi-improvisational noise band called Slumbersigh. We played a few shows early that year, blasted some feedback at the audience, and called it quits before summer. During that stretch, I waxed poetic to the drummer about this sound I heard in my head, this musical thing I wanted to do but had no idea how to accomplish. Sprawling, seemingly endless instrumental songs that built slowly towards a raging crescendo, backed by strings and horns, with multiple guitars weaving…
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