Contributed Posts

Everything You Need To Know About AnimeCon

Contributed Post Image If you are getting into anime and you want to immerse yourself deeper into their world this year you might consider attending one of the many conventions which are held every year to celebrate this genre. AnimeCon by Ryan Kopf is one of the best choices you can choose for a convention, and it pulls thousands of avid fans through its doors every single time it opens. If you have never been to a convention before but you want to see what all the fuss is about, here is everything you need to know. Prepare and plan You cannot go into an anime convention without making a plan before you leave. You will need to take the time to decide which day…
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Climate Change Causes Food Shortages – Here’s How

Contributed Post Picture Credit You might currently think that climate change isn’t that big a deal. After all, it might mean our summers get even hotter and we don’t have to worry about so much snow through the winter, right? Wrong! In actual fact, many scientists who research the climate are now suggesting that our weather could be getting more and more extreme each year – that means that summer will become unbearably hot while our winters will bring even more ice and snow. That’s not all, though – many experts are warning that a change in our usual clients will have an adverse effect on our food production. Eventually, it could lead to food shortages around the world. How so? Here are the things…
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Could You Be Entitled To More? The Dilemmas We Find Ourselves In And The Justice We Can Seek

Contributed Post When it comes to the world there is no more perception that the world is flat, Christopher Columbus put that theory to bed all those years ago and the world has now been seen as a much smaller place thanks to the advancements in technology. These advancements mean that we can jump on a pane and literally be on the other side of the world in a day. It means that we can jump in our cars and get from one place to another with ease. We have larger ones with modern technology making life easier for us. Vacuum cleaners that can clean your home themselves, and gadgets that tell us the latest headlines or play our favourite tunes by answering our requests….
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Where You Can Really Flex Those Creative Muscles

Contributed Post There is no time like the present to be a creative is there? In this day and age there are so many opportunities that you can flex those creative muscles. You can have a career based solely on your creativity, in many different formats. You can enjoy hobbies and indulge your spare time in doing the things that you feel passionate about. However, like with so many things in this modern world, there is choice and a lot more than there used to be. This can give you some form of creative block as you wonder where best to enjoy your passion for creating. I wanted to share with you some of the basic principles of creativity and some of the avenues you…
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Love Books? Build Your Own Little Library

Contributed Post Libraries are a staple of life. We used them during elementary school days, having lessons inside them with interactive elements. We used them during high school, to try and get our heads down for studying away from distracting things like having a social life. We used them for the same reasons during the college days, and we might have even felt like we lived in one. And as adults, we go back to them for a sense of nostalgia, and to borrow a book we don’t feel like buying every now and then. But it still feels like the need for a library is in decline, and more and more of them around the globe are being shut up because of people’s immediate…
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