Contributed Posts

A Male Perspective On Divorce: The Highs and Lows

Contributed Post Divorce can be a painful and challenging subject and is a topic that is discussed widely online. However, much of the discussion is from a female’s point of view, and while this view is one that is important, is also crucial to redress the balance and get a guy’s perspective as well. That is why I have put together the short piece below on the highs and lows of this life experience from a man’s POV. Read on to find out more, and to get some advice and encouragement for this, one of life’s most difficult times.   High – Autonomy One of the silver linings that can emerge from the difficult situation that is divorce is that it can provide an opportunity…
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Stockbrokers – Should You Ever Trust Them?

Stockbrokers tend to get a negative reputation as being greedy conmen thanks to popular culture. Whilst there are definitely a few bad eggs out there, not all of them are going to take advantage of your money – many brokers want to make a profit for themselves, but they also want to keep their clients happy, which means not ripping them off. Brokers do tend to be experts in their field and if you have little understanding of how stocks work, you’re bound to make more of a return by investing with them than by gambling solo. That said, you should still have your wits about you when choosing a stockbroker to invest with. Here are just a few tips for picking the right broker….
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How Overuse Of Health Treatments Could Cause More Damage To Patients

Contributed Post Looking after your health is always tough and there’s so much conflicting information out there about what you should and shouldn’t be doing. Prevention is the best way to look after your health which is why you should take these health precautions on a regular basis. But sometimes, people go too far and end up getting health checks that they don’t really need. You wouldn’t think that it could do any harm but in some cases, it actually can. These are the health checks that you should think twice about. Pexels Back X-Rays Sometimes, you do need an X-ray on your back if there is a serious problem, but a lot of people jump the gun and get them too often. Everybody gets…
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Some Things Come From Nothing: Striving For Greatness With Limited Resources

Contributed Post Picture We are, inevitably, a product of our surroundings. As far as striving for greatness is concerned, we can feel bound by our surroundings. Because the struggle is so very real, especially when we are working to make our mark on this world, the very tangible feeling of succeeding in the face of modern struggles, like social mobility, inequality and the concerns of what is going to happen (especially post Brexit), can result in us finding ourselves at a disadvantage. And while triumph in the face of adversity is nothing new, the younger generations that find themselves struggling before they’ve even had a chance to get started is something the Baby Boomers and even the Generation X-ers may view as particularly harsh. But…
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Keeping Your Character Conflicts Realistic

Contributed Post Writing is a hard thing to do. It’s something we all can do in our own ways, with our own styles and tones, and our own perspectives on how art should work. But all in all, there’s a few rock solid structures that need to go into a story to make it relatable and believable: a gripping opening, characters with more dimensions than they have dialogue lines, a setting that has its own laws of the universe, and a bit of conflict that gets resolved by the end of the narrative. And all in all, conflict is often considered one of the most important parts of a story. So with that in mind, let’s think about how you can handle conflict, and what…
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