Contributed Posts

8 Ways To Boost Your Intelligence

Pexels There are many reasons someone may want to boost their intelligence. Perhaps they’re worried about keeping up with their peers or want to climb the career ladder. Whether the reason is for personal satisfaction or goal oriented, there are lots of ways to boost brain power. Your intelligence is strongly linked to DNA but that doesn’t mean you can’t work at it. If you want to improve your intelligence levels by giving your brain a boost, here’s how to do it. Get The Right Amount of Sleep So many people make the mistake of overworking themselves when they need to use their brains the most. For instance, when students have exams coming up, they study through the night instead of sleeping. This can have…
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Is Your Relationship Going Off The Rails? Here’s How You Can Try To Save It

Is your relationship going off the rails? If it is, then you might have already decided to just let it go. A lot of us will want to fight for the relationship and the person that we are with, hoping that you can save it and move forward. It’s not always going to be possible, but the fact that you are willing to do whatever it takes speaks volumes about how much you value the person that you have. Sometimes though you’re not sure where you can start with this, and that’s what we’re going to be looking at in this article. If you want to know more, keep reading. Link Image – CC0 License Communicate With Each Other No relationship is going to work…
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3 Ways To Add Music To Your Life

Image credit There have long been many studies pertaining to the effectiveness of music for all aspects of people’s lives. For example, music therapy has been proven to increase pain tolerance levels by 22 %, while another study found that music effectively reduces anxiety in ICU patients. With this in mind, factoring music into your lifestyle or making a career in music can not only give you a therapeutic outlet but also give you a greater sense of satisfaction in life. If you are exploring music, some options are available to help you get the most from this art form and enrich your life fully. Listening to Music Of course, one of the easiest ways to add music to your life is by listening to…
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5 Ways We Can Help Our Children Fall in Love With Creative Writing

Photo credit: Pexels – CC0 License So many of us have that creative bug that burrows under our skin, resulting in this wonderful “disease.” While this metaphor may not paint it in the right light, creativity can seem somewhat repellent for certain children. When it comes to creativity, there are so many significant benefits, it exorcizes our demons, gives us an anchor in life, and slowly but surely makes us more intelligent. This is why it is something we should try to pass on to our children. What can we do to help our children fall in love with writing stories and creativity in general?  Get Them Into Reading If your children are not already keen on reading, this is where you have got to…
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3 Key Questions To Ask When Looking For A Car

Buying a new car can be a tricky affair. When you let emotion rule the roost, it’s all too easy to find yourself attracted to a car that stands out but perhaps doesn’t fulfill every need you’re likely to have when driving. As such, it’s important to stop, take the time to ask yourself the following three questions, and make sure that you’re taking care of all of your needs, not just your need for something new and shiny to drive. Source – Pixabay License Do you need to go new? One of the key things you should bear in mind when buying a car is that you don’t necessarily need to buy a brand-new car. Whether you buy new or used is going to…
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