Can We Change The World?

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Humans have the power to do a lot of things. But can we change the world? A lot of people will say no. There’s just too much going out that’s out of our control, which is true. We can’t stop what Donald Trump and North Korea are doing, but this isn’t what we’re on about. There’s so many more things wrong with the world that humans can change. All we have to do is tackle things one issue at a time, and we could be a better world before you know it. This article is here to outline some of the things we can do together to make a difference.

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Millions and millions of people are living in poverty right now. They have been their whole lives, and they don’t know anything different. But there’s so much we can do to try and help them through, and hopefully out of their situation. There’s tonnes of humanitarian aid work going on at the moment that we could all get involved in. It involves handing out food and water, donating things they need, or just donating money to families in need. When we think of poverty, people always assume that it’s Africa or India. But the US has one of the worst poverty rates in certain areas of the country. Right on our door step people are suffering without food and water that them, and their families, need to survive. Water delivery to these people is so essential if they want to survive. The effects of dehydration can be so fatal, and can happen so fast. The effect of not drinking clean water can also kill quicker than dehydration itself. But in countries such as Africa, people are having no choice but to drink the contaminated water.


This is something that we as humans ruined. Over the years the pollution levels have rose due to things such as car emissions, planes, and just general harmful gases that we have pumped into the world. It isn’t only pollution that we should be worried about. We’ve been harming the environment and the animals that live it in for years through littering. Some companies are trying to do better by the environment by making sure things are biodegradable. But that doesn’t stop the fact that littering is harming the planet around us. If you’d like to help, you could do local rubbish picks for your neighbourhood, and make sure you’re an advocate for reducing pollution levels. Unfortunately, this one is so wide scale that it’ll be hard to change it anytime soon, but with a bit of determination we should be able to make little changes as we go along. Try to make sure you’re being as eco-friendly as possible by riding your bike or walking rather than driving your car or taking public transport.

So, now you can see that you can make little dents in the way of making our world better. All you need to have is the want to do so.

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