Back to the keyboard!

After taking a long break from writing, as of last night I am officially behind the keyboard again. Or in front of the keyboard. Whichever.

It’s been about six weeks, which is as long as I’ve gone in quite some time. Sure, I had a good deal of work to do on my comic anthology during that time, but by the end of the process it wasn’t writing that needed to be done, it was largely administrative stuff and layout work.

So last night, after another superb episode of Deadwood, I sat down for a short writing session. Got back to work on my dystopian science fiction novel, which has its flaws but is coming together okay. When I feel a little better about where it’s going, I may post the first chapter. Have a few plot kinks to work out first.

Also on my immediate agenda is to get back to work on getting my middle grade (ages 8-12) fantasy novel out the door, as well as a local history book I finished just after wrapping up A Year of Hitchcock. These projects have sat for too long. I need to be out there doing something with them, otherwise, what’s the point?

So there you go. Back in the saddle again. Hope to make it a very productive autumn and winter.

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