5 Things You Can Do Now to Start the New Year Less Stressed

Whatever your personal challenges or achievements in the past year, I think as a general rule we can say that 2017 was pretty shocking and unexpected. From changing political situations, scandal after scandal, and some terrible natural disasters, there was a lot ot cause stress and make us worry. Now that we are in a new year, it isn’t going to just magically disappear. But what can change is how we react to it. So here are some things that you can do as we go into the new year to start it off right and to stop it stressing you out.


Create a List of Goals

Our thoughts can naturally turn to goals as we enter a new year. A clean slate and all of that. But what can be overwhelming and a little stressful is when the goals are too difficult and not achievable for us. So think instead of setting short-term goals. Something that can be achieved in a couple of months, rather than needing the whole year is a great way to go.

Sort Your Health

There is nothing more unexpected or stressful than your health and a lack of consistency with it. If you find that you’re always under the weather, or are on medication long-term, then looking at ways to improve things can be a boost that you might need. You might have an injury from a sports or an accident, as well as some weight to lose. Whatever it is, just think of the ways to deal with it. From looking for an injury lawyer to changing your diet, can be the help that you need. So take some time and make a plan. Just make sure it is realistic and not out of sight!


Clear Your Inbox

Whether you work for yourself or work for someone else, there are always plenty of emails coming through with more things to add to your to-do list. So start off the year with a cleared inbox. Check off the small things and make a plan for the larger things. Then you can at least have that element of work stress reduced.

Reflect on Accomplishments

Besides from somethings in the world shocking us all last year, there was still plenty of good. And focusing on the negative isn’t going to be a good way to enter the new year. So instead, think of the positive and happy things that happened in your life last year. Celebrate the small and large things, and that positive outlook will help as you aim to achieve in this new year.

Go Out of Your Comfort Zone

Being comfortable with where you are at is great. But does it really help anything to change? There are experts that say that doing one thing out of your comfort zone each day will elicit change in so many ways, as well as build your confidence and reduce stress. So what is one thing that you’ve been putting off or one thing that really scares you? Make a plan to achieve it this year.

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